They are great for live performance or live show including for interviewing such as by reporters in outdoor settings. Dynamic microphones are the simplest or what people have in mind when you mention a microphone. Usually the options are between a dynamic or condenser microphone and based on this alone we can choose the one which seems to fit in our typical application. For those who are buying from online stores, it is probably wiser to look around the options that have features or overall sound quality you wish to achieve. Even through video or audio samples, it can be distorted by our device’s sound card or listening device so usually it is not the most accurate as well. Microphone’s sound is the result of their design and overall quality of the construction or parts so it will be difficult to tell without you listening directly to their sound sample. For home karaoke we may be able to pass with only a decent microphone but for a more serious application such as professional recording, it is best to invest more. When it comes to microphone, you will have plenty of different options out there, some are good, best, decent, or not so wise to purchase depending on which seems to fit just right in your application. The invention of the microphone was huge and due to this we can capture, amplify, as well as record and manipulate audio as needed.